
To make Jobtronaut fit into your environment nicely you can define your own configuation. This is supposed to be a python file and its full filepath need to be made available via the JOBTRONAUT_PLUGIN_PATH env var.

You can define the following variables within your configuration file to make Jobtronaut fit into your Pipeline.
Variable Name Type Description Default if not defined
COMMANDFLAGS_ARGUMENT_NAME str A magic argument with the given name that can be used to inject additional flags into any command. This is especially useful if you are using an application bootstrap framework. additional_command_flags
LOGGING_NAMESPACE str A custom namespace that can be used instead of the default one. jobtronaut
ENABLE_PLUGIN_CACHE bool If True it will reuse plugins from its own cache instead of resourcing modules when initializing the Plugins discovery. True
PLUGIN_PATH list A list of directories Jobtronaut’s Plugins discovery mechanism will use. All .py files in the given directories will be considered. []
EXECUTABLE_RESOLVER callable A custom callable that can be used to resolve a executable declared in within any of your Command tasks. The first item of Task.cmd() will be passed to the callable. lambda x: x if os.path.isfile(x) and os.path.isabs(x) and os.access(x, os.X_OK) else (_ for _ in ()).throw(OSError("Command Id `{}` is not an executable.".format(x)))
ENVIRONMENT_RESOLVER callable A custom callable that can be used to resolve an environment. This will be ignored in case INHERIT_ENVIRONMENT is set to False. lambda: OrderedDict(sorted(os.environ.items()))
INHERIT_ENVIRONMENT bool If set to True it will use the ENVIRONMENT_RESOLVER to add its return value to the envkey attribute of any resulting job. True
ARGUMENTS_SERIALIZED_MAX_LENGTH int The maximum number of characters a serialized Arguments object can have within a command. It it exceeds this limit the serialized Arguments will be dumped into a file within the defined ARGUMENTS_STORAGE_PATH. 10000
ARGUMENTS_STORAGE_PATH str A directory path where serialized Arguments objects can be dumped.  
JOB_STORAGE_PATH_TEMPLATE str If set it defines where .alf job representation files will be dumped whenever a job was submitted.  
KATANA_SCRIPT_WRAPPER str Path to a custom python file that acts like a wrapper for Katana to allow consume python code directly. <JOBTRONAUT_DIR>/author/scripts/
MAYA_SCRIPT_WRAPPER str Path to a custom python file that acts like a wrapper for Maya to allow consume python code directly. <JOBTRONAUT_DIR>/author/scripts/mayascript.mel
NUKE_SCRIPT_WRAPPER str Path to a custom python file that acts like a wrapper for Nuke to allow consume python code directly. <JOBTRONAUT_DIR>/author/scripts/
TRACTOR_ENGINE_CREDENTIALS_RESOLVER callable A custom callable that needs to be set whenever internal processes will use the tractor query api or you will use any of the jobtronaut.query features directly. This callable needs to return a valid Tractor user and password with proper permissions. lambda: ("unknown_user", "unknown_password")